people live in corners people live in corners Writing Sample
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People have always known that the eyes are the window to the soul. But just as people construct windows to see only outside (rather than inside), so too the eyes have lost half their purpose.

(iii. glass houses)

However the world began, it has never been easy for people to explain. This is because they don’t know how to use their eyes anymore. Sometime ago people tried to separate their eyes from their dreams. Ever since, people have been looking around at the most useless things. While they used to look at the moon and stare at seashells, people now collect business cards and gaze bewilderedly at computer screens. Today, people and eyes blink at each other like businessmen shaking hands.

"Let’s make a deal," say the people. "You eyes can take care of the outside world, and we’ll take care of the inside."

But this can’t work. You need to share the world. You can’t separate people and eyes. After all this time they still haven’t learned to be friends.

But the people say: "No problem. We’ll discuss it at meetings, and we’ll plan accordingly."

They still don’t understand.

"We look forward to working with you!" say the people.

But there are no meetings. There are just people, and there are just eyes.

It is just awful the way people treat their precious, disregarded eyes. They have made them independent, so that the eyes can never look inside, at the heart. I’m not sure what people are afraid their eyes would see on the inside, but I am sure that it would be more interesting than business cards.

People should take an example from stones. Stones are the opposite of people. Stones have their eyes turned inside out so that they can look inward – and always – on themselves. Unlike people, who always busy their eyes by looking at others, stones forever look inside themselves. Stones are too busy to look at anything else. It is incredible the persistence they hold in their eyes. They don’t need you or me. Stones can’t even see us, and what more, they don’t want to.

While people throw stones around, the stones remain solid, wallowing in their own beauty. It seems strange that, although there is so much to see on the inside, instead people first thought to look away and beyond themselves. Why didn’t they try to look within like the stones do? People have always known that the eyes are the window to the soul. But just as people construct windows to see only outside (rather than inside), so too the eyes have lost half their purpose. People keep gazing and staring, batting and searching for something beyond themselves. And this is the way people continue today: just like the Doctor, they are always looking forward and ahead. Of course, it is easier to ignore your mistakes if you never look behind.

iii. glass houses
iii. glass houses
And today people still hide, they desperately cower behind stones. They shiver inside houses that seem so safe.

So the first people watched, gossiped, and stared at the outside world. Yet what they saw surprised them. People saw the nakedness of others, and of themselves. Can you believe it? Of all the things to stare at in this world, their own bodies captured their attention – even more than the sunset or the sky or the moon! People trained their eyes to linger on the shallowest things, to look only skin-deep. Their thoughts – but never their eyes – turned inward and back to themselves.

People were not happy with what they saw. "Nakedness is shameful," they said. The people were so ashamed that they looked everywhere for an answer. People, as you know, are the only creatures to have invented clothes. Clothing must have been the first capitalist, profiting from people’s insecurity. It was able to conceal in its faded sleeves, bury deep underneath, what the people did not want to see. But clothes are only a frail screen; the real shame still remains inside. Today it looks different of course – colored and clothed. Shame has become ever so handsomely dressed.

People dressed the world, too. And to accomplish this, for some reason they used stones. People constructed walls out of stones totally unconcerned and indifferent to shame. (Where, Reader, have you ever seen a rock cover itself with clothes?) So many houses built of unsurety, towers to mistaken beliefs. And today people still hide, they desperately cower behind stones. They shiver inside houses that seem so safe. But people live in corners, really. They keep themselves hidden from view so as not to be seen. Or maybe, I wonder, they hide in corners so they don’t have to see.

I tell this to the Doctor because I am sure somewhere people must live differently. There have got to be people who have nothing to hide from the world, right? They probably live naked, still walking easily under the moon, carefree, and as kind and open to their neighbors as can be. Even at home these people stare through the walls.

"People in glass houses," I explain.

The Doctor frowns. "And I suppose they never throw stones?" she says sadly.

"Of course they never throw stones," I tell her. "They collect them."

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